It needs a little creativity and proper care to keep color-treated hair shiny and vibrant. This good news for a lot of women who color their hair. GKhair always cares about the hair problems faced by people so we have come up with these tips to help you protect color-treated hair. It will make your hair look lovely and keep them healthy every time you color them.
A common observation that hair color make hair more porous, which results in easy absorption and release of moisture. As an outcome of porous hair, they tend to lose hair color molecules every time your hair gets wet. With the use of best available conditioner, hair moisture can be maintained and increased.
1). Use Only Quality, Conditioning Hair Colors.
Always start by asking your hair stylist to use Professional Hair Colors with properties of conditioning to keep your hair conditioned as the weeks go by. Hair colors which contain natural oils will help maintain and retain moisture in your freshly color-treated hair and make them look shiny and healthy.
2). Use the Best Shampoo on Color-Treated Hair.
Always make sure to use color protection shampoos and conditioners when you wash color-treated hair. Using a good shampoo will not only help your color last longer but, will also maintain good health of your processed hair. We have got some great duos for you. GKhair brings the solution in shape of amazing color protection products like Juvexin-Shield Shampoos & Juvexin Shield-Conditioners.
3). Wait Before You Shampoo
It is preferred to shampoo your hair after three to four days of coloring your hair, if not, wait for at least 48 hours to shampoo. This will give the color time to better settle in.
4). Keep Your Hair Dry in the Shower
Color treated hair can get wet while showering even if you don’t intent to shampoo them which can result in color fading. Wear a shower cap to keep your color-treated hair dry during those off days. pull your hair up into a loose bun to protect it from getting wet while showering.
5). Avoid Sulfates on Color-Treated Hair
It is very important to maintain moisture of colored hair and sulfates can strip color from hair. Sulfates contain salt which extracts moisture from hair and moisture loss is one of the reasons of color fading. Select from GKhair's product line, Moisturizing Shampoo Color Protection & Moisturizing Conditioner Color Protection which will effectively nourish and moisturize the scalp while protecting your color. Also, they have no harsh chemicals containing sulfates.
6). Maintain a Healthy Diet to Keep Your Hair Looking Great
Hair health has a lot to do with what you eat. Healthy diet leads to healthy hair and how they look. Hair growth and luster results in from the nutrients that we take through healthy diet. Keratin is one the most important ingredient in maintaining good hair health and foods that include iron-rich protein feed your scalp and hair by building strong keratin. It also helps to improve hair texture and strong growth. Between meals, snack on nuts, vegetables and fruits to maintain a healthy diet.
7). Protect Your Hair From the Sun
Sun rays are always dangerous for hair and can lead to hair fading, whatever the season is. Avoid long exposures to the sun and try to protect you color treated hair by using UV protection products. Many styling and after care products like leave-in conditioners and hair sprays can help protecting the hair color.
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